The Most Eligible Bachelor

About the Book

 ‘Hunger’ was his worst enemy. 

Ravikant Varma, whose restaurant chain dominates the western food business, was once so hungry for money that he entered into a strange deal with Sharada, an equally hungry village mastermind, putting his son Raj’s future at stake. That long-forgotten deal returns to haunt Varma twenty years later, at the brink of his firm’s victory march towards IPO. Now, he must either marry off his heir to save his billions or surrender his firm to avoid imprisonment. It is up to Raj to face the enemy head-on and save his father from the past, and himself from the impending future. What happens when two geniuses collide in a battle of wits? Who wins, who loses?

About the Author

K.Praneeth and K.Preetham have co-authored this novel. They are twins by birth; engineer and MBA by profession, and writers by passion. Having graduated from the prestig- ious IIT and IIMs of our country, they have finally decided to put pen to paper and nurture their long cherished dream of storytelling. With their debut novel, “The Most Eligible Bachelor”, they have explored the situational comedy genre which is very close to their hearts.

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