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For those of you who dream of becoming a published author, you must have spent endless nights wondering how to get that happy mail which gladdens the heart of any aspiring writer.
Been there, right?
Well, the key to unlocking the door of getting accepted by a leading publisher is to give them a stellar book proposal.
So, the pertinent question is what is a book proposal and how to write it?
Well, we have all the answers!
A book proposal explains why your book concept is desirable and potentially profitable in the current marketplace. It effectively serves as a business argument for why your work should be written, and for many authors, it convinces a publisher to invest in your book before you even begin writing it.
Yes, unlike fiction writing, nonfiction authors can pique the attention of an editor or agency by writing a proposal even before attempting to write the complete book.
Please keep in mind that the specifics of your book proposal will rely on the submission requirements set forth by your publisher.
Here are the important points which you can use while writing your book proposal:
Highlight the USP of your literary endeavour.
Your writing style must be engaging, especially if this is your first attempt at writing. You need to have an intriguing and unique narrative to share. Unless you can establish how yours has a distinctive perspective on the problem you propose to tackle, common subjects will set you on the path to rejection. You have a better chance of landing a book deal if you know how to reach readers on your own, without a publisher’s assistance.
Specify your Target Audience.
Who will essentially read your book? The word “essentially” is vital here. You want to identify your target audience or the group of readers who are most likely to be waiting in line to place a pre-order on your book and then spread the word.
Tip: Avoid unnecessary statistics and be specific.
Provide the outline of the chapters and key themes (in case the book is under development)
Provide a brief overview that lists each chapter’s title and number along with a one- or two-sentence summary, followed by a list of the chapter’s contents in a brief summary.
Give Sample Chapters which can encapsulate your theme and writing style.
In most cases, a finished chapter from your upcoming book is included in a book proposal. Include a sample of the chapter that you believe to be the most substantial or impressive. This is your chance to demonstrate your overall writing style through your chapters.
Craft an impactful Author Profile:
You must be able to persuade agents and editors that you are the ideal writer for the book. Describe how your knowledge and experience provide you with the ideal setting from which you can speak to your target audience.
In terms of necessary details, do not write a comprehensive biography. It should typically include details about their basic details, academic background, and, if applicable, the author’s prior achievements, such as awards, endorsements, contest victories and prizes.
Create an impressive Marketing Plan.
Your marketing strategy must outline specific actions you’ll take to promote the book. This is your chance to highlight any connections you may have made in the publishing industry that can broaden your readership. New authors without that kind of conventional reach can choose to highlight the number of monthly visits to their website, or the amount of clicks a former article garnered.
The objective is to demonstrate that getting your book published will give you access to an already established author platform, increasing the likelihood that the book will be successful.
Now that you have the basics at your fingertips, what’s stopping you!
Draft your book proposal and connect with us if you have any questions. We are here to help!